Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering helps with population control, behaviour, and reduces health risks for pets.

There are many valid reasons to spay and neuter your dog. Spay and neutering procedures will reduce unwanted puppies. Controlling the pet population will prevent dogs from being unnecessarily euthanized because there are not enough people willing or able to adopt them.

What does neutering/spaying do to a dog?

Spaying or neutering is the removal of the body parts necessary for reproduction. For neutering, it is the testicles that are removed. For a spay, it is the uterus and the ovaries that are removed.

Why is it important to neuter/spay my dog?

There are many benefits to spaying or neutering your dog. As mentioned above, helping to control the pet population is one of them. Every cycle or litter increases the likelihood of cancerous possibilities. Being in-tact long term has its own set of complications that can arise, including testicular cancer and pyometra. Spaying and neutering help to eliminate the urge to wander (looking for a mate) and can help with aggression and other unwanted behavioural concerns.

How old should a dog be before they are neutered/spayed?

For most dogs, we recommend spaying and neutering at 6 months of age. However, this is also not a one answer fits all dogs type of question. There may be reasons one of our veterinarians recommend spaying and neutering at a different age. Size of dog, behavioural issues, and waiting for adult teeth to erupt (in case we need to remove at the time of spay/neuter) We recommend discussing this with your veterinarian.

How much does it cost to neuter/spay a dog?

We are happy to discuss the costs associated with spaying or neutering your dog. Please call our office to speak with one of our friendly pet care specialists. We can answer any questions you may have 403-527-2829.

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